Online Comic: Shots

Not really Kane #24 From Paul Grist's intro to "Not Really Kane #24":

If you`ve ever tried selling your own comic at a comic mart/convention/shop signing, you'll find there's always somebody who will come up, stand in front of your table, thumb through your stock and then ask, "What's it about then?"...

This is my answer to, "What's it about then?" It contains the Kane origin (of sorts) in that this is the single key event that effects everything that happens afterwards. The regular series follows the repercussions as well as exploring what led up to this incident.

Although the 5-page promotional story was reprinted in book 6, Paul kindly gave permission to publish it here. You can access the story in a page-by-page slideshow (recommended for display resolutions larger that 800*600), or click below for the single pages.

Shots, page 1
Shots, page 2
Shots, page 3
Shots, page 4
Shots, page 5

For the German fans of Kane, where Shots is very unlikely to be reprinted, we have the German version page-by-page slideshow, and below single pages as well.

Shots, Seite 1
Shots, Seite 2
Shots, Seite 3
Shots, Seite 4
Shots, Seite 5