Book 2: Rabbit Hunt

Collects Kane #5-8 in 128 pages. The main story evolves around a street entertainer in a pink bunny suit who got stuck in criminal affairs. Big Fwankie is introduced, and the final story has a kind of superhero in it.

7. Rabbit Hunt
b/w, 32 pages
Kane #5
Kane #5
Dancing Elephant Press 8/94
Kane Book 2
RP Kane: Rabbit Hunt
Dancing Elephant Press 9/96
8. Rat In The House
b/w, 32 pages
Kane #6
Kane #5
Dancing Elephant Press 10/94
Kane Book 2
FP Kane: Rabbit Hunt
Dancing Elephant Press 9/96
9. The Bunny Wore Pink
b/w, 32 pages
Kane #2
FP Kane #7
Dancing Elephant Press 12/94
Kane Book 2
RP Kane: Rabbit Hunt
Dancing Elephant Press 9/96
10. The View From Here
b/w, 32 pages
Kane #8
FP Kane #8
Dancing Elephant Press 3/95
Kane Book 2
RP Kane: Rabbit Hunt
Dancing Elephant Press 9/96